Saturday, December 11, 2010

Interpol - October 2nd 2005, Webster Hall - ANTICS FINALE

This was it..... The night where it all came to a peak.
The homecomeing. The end of a long road of incredible shows.
The celebration of the best tour of the best *new* band.


MP3 Version

October 2nd 2005 - Webster Hall, NYC, NY

Intro, Next Exit, SLow Hands, NARC, A Time to be So Small
Say Hello to the Angels, Public Pervert, Not Even Jail
Leif Erikson, Evil, Obstacle One, Take You on a Cruise
PDA intro, PDA...
Untitled, Stella was a Diver and she was Always Down, ROLAND

The Antics tour was incredible, words can not even describe it.
This night was intense, the show was intense. It was the longest set to date, and we were
treated to Specialist as the final song. Can not begin to describe the emotions I felt during this one.
If you were there, you know what I mean, you'll feel it again through the recording, I know I did.

If you weren't there, I'd suggest downloading this and looking back on an epic legendary perfroamce.

If you have any photos to share please do.
If you have any reviews to share, Please do!!!
Would love to publish a collection of photos and thoughts on this night.
Whatever credits and links you want to have up, I will be more than happy to do that in return.

I intend to give a proper review, 5 years later and I still have the same strong feelings I did as the Night after I walked out of the venue.

I also have the Boom Bip set (opening band) from this night if anyone is interested??

1 comment:

  1. Do you have the Childballads set list? They were before boom bip. I remember enjoying that set as well. Thanks for the awesome recordings!
